The 3mo Big Dream Program ADVENTURE - live group!

"It’s one of the BEST courses I’ve ever done. If not THE best." ~ Christin in Oklahoma, USA

NEWS: Join a bunch of wonderful intrepid folks, and myself, in our live groupÂ đŸ›¶ 3-Month Big Dream Program Adventure. 

Open to applications anytime! 

"I've never encountered anything so rich, deep, creative, yet practical 🙂" ~ Ivana in Serbia

Learn more here

Welcome to the Big Dream Program

An impromptu wander in my favourite woods, and an invitation to check out my Big Dream Program. If the topic of life purpose, life direction, finding your calling, or ‘what the sweet holy f**k am I doing next with my life’ is a big question for you these days, this program is about that.


đŸ”„ 39min Crash Course

Hiya friends,

I was trying to find a way to do something useful. Amidst the turmoil that was going on in the world around me, and many feel. I don't have much, perhaps, but I have this. Ignore if not a fit. 

My attempt, on one walk from the gym to home: to see if I can help some folks who are struggling with the 'WTF am I doing with my life' question, based on my 18 years of work with clients.

Result: A crash course in 39mins. (I had to take the long way home around the neighbourhood, woods, river, and a flock of Canada Geese, to get it all out )

I think many are trying to figure out how to use their many talents to contribute something positive in the world, and perhaps this could help one figure that out.

It's the video below. The whole thing. Totally free, no opt-in. I just want to be of service.


It is for folks who:

đŸ”„ Are motivated by doing something that helps people, and helps the world. They've always felt they were here to do something unique - very 'them'.

đŸ”„ Want to be in charge of their own time so they're drawn to self-employment or independent projects, but...

đŸ”„ Have so many things to choose from: great ideas for projects in the world, interests, certifications, business ideas, degrees.

For years they've been trying to figure out which ONE is their THING. That thing they are meant to do in this world.

I was lost a long time, and then one day... I wasn't anymore. My point of view won't be a fit for everyone, of course, but for those it might be - this may be an approach you haven't considered and could help a lot.


My perspective boils down to 2 main paradigm shifts, that I explain in the 39min Micro-Course below.

  1. For your daily lifestyle: Figure out YOUR version of Barber 2. We call it the Ecosystem Model inside the larger program.
  2. For your too many interests: Think Place Model (for Experience Designers) vs Specialist Model.


They tell me it makes good business sense to make folks sign up for my email list to get this. To hell with all that nonsense. Just dig into it and see if it helps. Then, if you want to join the Big Dream Program Adventure, look for theÂ đŸ”„JOIN tab in the top menu. Sound good?


Now, put on the kettle or coffeepot, and let's begin: 👇

39min Crash Course

My attempt, on one walk: to see if I can help folks with the 'WTF am I doing with my life' question.

The Tale of the Two Barbers.

'WTF am I doing with my life'?!? 😬 Tough question to answer, I know. So what about a different (and much better) question instead... 'What would I like to be doing on a Tuesday?' Consider this tale of two brothers who became barbers... 💈

Want to give it a whirl? You can apply to join here 👇


Read all about the live program here.

Other stuff 🙂


You can read my new little book: Tamara and the Taverna Keeper. You can read it no charge, no opt-in right here!

--> Read Tamara & the Taverna Keeper here!

A free 11-Module eKit.

You can get my entire foundation work here. A complete course on the 5JRs I talked about in the video, a highly unique bucket list kit, energy-meditation tips, and a pile more.